The Southern Baptist Convention started its annual meeting today in St. Louis. This was the forest of the 2-day event where the Southern Baptist denomination meets together and takes care of needed business. Below are some of the thoughts I had about it coming out of Day 1.

  • Tight race for SBC President.  Three men were nominated to lead our denomination for the next two years: David Crosby (Pastor of FBC New Orleans, LA), Steve Gaines (Pastor of Bellevue Baptist Church in Memphis, TN), and J.D. Greear (Pastor of Summit Church in Raleigh- Durham, NC).  After two different votes, a 50% majority was not reached by a candidate. There will be a third vote Wednesday morning. I think this is showing the impact of this decision. What direction will the SBC go from here? Will it look much the same as it has? Will there be a new day where some different approaches are used to accomplish the Great Commission?
  • No symbol is more important than a soul. There was a resolution on the floor to be voted on by the SBC that strongly encouraged people to not participate in flying the Confederate Battle flag because of the symbol of hatred that it has been known for. I know that there are various opinions about this matter. I know that not all people who have this flag are racist or hate-filled. You cannot argue thought that when most people see that flag, their thoughts are not good… usually has something to do with white sheets and secret meetings. I think that what one messenger said sums up the reality of it all. He said something along the lines of “no amount of flags are more important than the soul of a person.” If that symbol creates an unnecessary barrier to a person sharing or hearing the gospel of Jesus Christ, then it needs to go. (The resolution passed.)

These were some of the thoughts that I walked away today with. I hate that I missed the prayer service tonight, but the kiddos – who have been troopers this week – were in major need of some rest, so we turned in early.

Please pray for the Southern Baptist Convention as it winds up tomorrow. Pray that good decisions will be made. Pray that we might have a spirit of unity.