Today was the last part of the SBC’s Pastor Conference. It was a day that was filled with leaders sharing words of encouragement and wisdom with those in attendance. I thought that I’d share a few of the things that stood out to me.

  • Evangelism is focus.  The theme of this year’s Pastor’s Conference was centered around evangelism. All of the speakers shared from Ephesians 4. I thought that having many speak along the same lines and pretty much in succession through the text was really good. Sometimes those who are asked to speak/preach come and bring what’s big on their plate right now. This new format was nice and refreshing.
  • The age demographic is on the downward slope.  This is only the second SBC that I have had the opportunity to attend. One key thing stood out though: there are a LOT more young adults/families here this year. I’m not sure what the reason for that is (I’ve heard different ideas), but I’m thrilled to see it. As a younger adult myself (37 years old), it has been so encouraging to see other folks in the same boat as our family.
  • Passion Group was awesome at leading worship. I have to say that I’m a little partial to Kristian Stanfill and the gang. Ever since I used him for a DNow weekend  a few years back, I knew God would use this young man in great ways to lead people to the throne of grace. They did an amazing job today.

All in all, I would say that this has been a pretty good Pastor’s Conference for the SBC.