The Southern Baptist Convention finished up today in St. Louis. Honestly, the final session is going while I write out this post. There are some great things that took place today. Most of these things will be overshadowed by one event. 
There was a close race as to who would lead the Southern Baptist denomination going forward. This race was coming down to J.D. Greear and Steve Gaines. Today, when the messengers of the SBC gathered together for a record third vote, something amazing happened. J.D. Greear stood and announced that he was stepping down so that there would not be a divided denomination going forward. You can read more about this from Greear here.

I know that many younger adults were here at the Southern Baptist Convention looking to see what the future is and if there is a place for them in it. I honestly believe that J.D. Greear with his actions and the way he handled it just bought the SBC a few more years with Millenials. 

I know that many other things have taken place on this day. The reports from NAMB and IMB were simply amazing and so encouraging about what lies ahead in mission work.