Today, our family of five packed our things up in the minivan and headed to St. Louis for the Southern Baptist Convention. This is the second convention that I have attended as a Pastor (the first was in New Orleans in 2012). This would be the first year that the whole family attended. We’ll see how that goes. 

As we were making the 6-hour drive from our house to St. Louis, we decided to make a slight detour. The route that we were taking would go right by the area that has the church where I was ordained to the ministry – Bett Baptist Church. I had not been back to this church since I left in 2002, but I had heard thatGod was moving there. I don’t think that I could’ve imagined what I encountered. It was amazing to see all the people present in this rural church. I pray that the Lord continues to use the people there and do mighty things. 

As we finally got to St Louis and checked in, we were running late and missed the first speaker of the Pastor’s Conference. We did make it in time to see the second – James Macdonald. It was encouraging to hear him share about enduring in ministry. 

Check out the Pastor’s Conference where you can watch a live stream.

Finally, I wanted to thank Ethan Nanney for stepping in for me today at Bethany Baptist Church. I heard that things went really good there. I knew they would. Ethan and his family are doing a great job at Dorroh Lake Camp