This year, I have had the privilege of coaching my oldest son’s “Coach-Pitch” baseball team.  It has been a blast.  I have loved baseball from the time that I began playing back at the age of 5.  I always thought that if the opportunity came around to coach my children’s teams, that I would jump at it.

While I record is not what I would have wanted, I believe that we have had a great time.  I have seen some of the guys (and one girl) come a long way this season.  I told them at the beginning of the season that we were going to focus on the two F’s: fundamentals and fun!  We’ve tried to do that.

Tonight is our team’s final game of the season.  Since school has let out around here, we are running into family vacations.  I got a message from a parent that let me know that their child was not going to make this last game because they won’t be back from vacation in time.  I completely understand.  Family time is important.

The last part of this parent’s message is what got me though.  They thanked me for a good season.  They were very appreciative of the work that we had done with the team – especially taking the time to actually teach them the game instead of expect them to just know it.

I have dwelt on that statement since I received the message.  The appreciation that someone took the time to teach their child how to do something instead of just letting them “live and learn.”  It got me to thinking about other things in life.

We need teachers. We need those who who are farther down the path that we are to come alongside of us and teach us the things that we need to know.  It is not going to “just happen.”  It will take deliberate action and time.  It will take celebrations and frustrations.  While it may be rough, the end result is great (and often greatly appreciated).

Thank you to the parents of our Hitmen this year.  Thank you for the opportunity to have fun with your children and hopefully pass on some of the things that I’ve learned on this journey.