At our church, I am preaching through a series called “The X Files” that takes a look at the 10 Commandments. Last week, we talked about keeping the Sabbath. It was an interesting Sunday for sure.

I like to have already wrestled through a topic before preaching on it, but sometimes that doesn’t happen. Keeping the Sabbath is one thing that I have not been the best at in the past. As I prepared for this sermon, I was encouraged and convicted greatly.

I believe that this is one commandment that the Lord’s children get caught up on because either (1) they do not know what the Sabbath is, (2) they are not sure how to do, or (3) they just do not want to submit to the lordship of Christ.

While I do not want to tackle all of these things in a blog post, I do want to share about what we should so on the Sabbath.

  • Rest. The Sabbath was created as a day of rest in Genesis 2:2-3. The Lord knew that if left to ourselves, we would work ourselves to death. The “work” that is described here is our normal work (job).  There are some matters and responsibilities that we have to tend to and should. This day should be one that we rest from our labors.
  • Remember.  The Sabbath is a chance for us to, in the midst of resting from our labors, to remember all that God has done… All the blessings… All the provisions… It is through these rememberings that we might just get some insight into the direction the Lord is leading us.
  • Refuel.  It is important that we get the rest we need or else we will not be able to do all that the Lord is calling us to do. The Sabbath was created to give us an opportunity to refuel or recharge. When we do not rest, we are saying that we can do it on our own strength. If we try this, we will quickly find out that we have nowhere near the strength to do what the Lord has given us.


While it may seem a little crazy to set aside a day to rest, remember, and refuel, it is even crazier to think that we can do all that God desires without that time!