But I know that the king of Egypt will not permit you to go, except under compulsion. (Exodus 3:19)

I love the story of Moses at the burning bush. I don’t know if it’s the reminder of the first major Bible study I went through as a disciple of Jesus – Experiencing God. This account is one that is so rich. 

The verse that is shared above is one that has made me scratch my head a few times. Moses is being called to lead the Israelites out of bondage in Egpyt to the Promised Land. 

In the middle of Moses’ excuses comes the brutally honest nugget from the Lord: Pharaoh won’t listen to you.

As a preacher of God’s word, I can tell you that one thing that has Ruffles my feathers more than once is to be called to share a message with a people, and they do not respond. Truthfully, they want nothing of it. That is so frustrating. 

 If this account wasn’t bad enough, we see it again in Isaiah. In Isaiah 6:9-10, we see that after this amazing worship experience and willingness to go where God wants, Isaiah is told to go tell the people God’s word, but they will not receive not understand it. 

It is hard to accept an invitation to something when you know that it will not be received. I would begin to think, “What’s the point?” “Why should I waste my time, efforts, abilities, and heart if all they are going to do is reject/mock/ignore the message I bring to them?”

I truly believe that the answer to those questions is that one has to remember the big picture. In remembering the big picture, one realizes that this is God’s show. We do not have to be used by Him, but He chooses to use us.

Sometimes God is up to so much more than just what we see on the surface. In the case of Moses going before a hard-hearted Pharaoh, we see that with the plagues that came that God was showing Himself greater than the false gods of Egpyt. God was wanting to deliver not just the Israelites from physical slavery, but He also wanted to deliver the Egyptians from their false gods. 

The road before us that God has called us to may not be the easiest. It may not be as bright and productive as we may like. We must remember that our God is the sovereign Ruler over all things. This is His show… We’ve just been asked to be faithful.