submitSubmission is an ugly term in our culture today.  The thought that you are to willing to place yourself under the authority of another seems ludicrous to many.  I must be honest, that there are many times throughout each day where I do not want to submit to the authorities in my life.

As a disciple of Jesus Christ, submission to the God-placed authorities in my life is a must.  It is not so much about being under someone, but it is more about honoring the One who has placed those authorities over me.

When Jesus was being arrested, we see Simon Peter stepping up to defend his Master (Matthew 26:50-51).  What Jesus does and says next seems crazy at first, but He was using this moment, like the great teacher that He is, to teach an important lesson.  In Matthew 26:53-54, Jesus says that He has legions of angels at His disposal to defend Him if needed.  He did not need Simon Peter’s sword.  If He had stopped what was taking place though, then the Scriptures would not be fulfilled.

Jesus was more concerned with God’s word being held true than His own personal interests.  He had the ability to stop whatever He wanted.  Rather than exercise His power and abilities, He chose to submit fully to the Father’s will.