tfp green and whiteNow that we have gotten good into 2016, it’s about time that we reveal a little project they our family has been working on behind the scenes.

If you have been following my wife and I for very long, one thing that is that we enjoy sharing our thoughts with other people. Over the past few years, each of us has had a blog that we have posted on here and there.

Today is a new day. Introducing the Faith Path.

We came to the conclusion, “Why should we just carry on separate blogs in separate places?”  We decided to create one singular website that would host both of our blogs and be a place for us to share together. Out of those thoughts have come The Faith Path.

From this point forward, my blog thoughts will be posted here at You can find Naomi’s blog at

What is the Faith Path?

Since 2011, the Lord has really been teaching our family about what Hebrews 11:6 is about.

And without faith it is impossible to please [God], for he who comes to God must believe that He is and that He is a rewarded of those who seek Him.

Hebrews 11:6  NASB

As followers of Jesus Christ, we want to please Him with our lives. It is the least that we could do for all that He has done for us. This verse reminds us that for that “pleasing” to happen faith has to be present. This means that the path we are walking in this life is “the faith path.”

For now, the blogs are all that we have up. We hope to have other things up before too long – things pertaining to our family, things we think are important, etc. for the time being, we hope that was is shared here will help you to choose the faith path.