There are different ways that people use to remember things that are important to them. For Christians, there have been different methods used to remember who God is and the mighty works that He has done in their lives. In the book, Remember God, author Annie Downs shares about how she learned to remember the fact of God’s kindness in spite of what her circumstances might be.

I first heard of Annie Downs from my wife and her experiences with the IF Gathering events that take place from time to time. These are events where women gather together to encourage each other in their walk with Jesus Christ. I was able to get a copy of Annie Downs’ book and was anxious to hear what she had to share.

I will admit that this book was a bit different than I expected it to be. It is not written like most books with a topic and subpoints. Remember God is more like peering into the journal of this lady and seeing the journey that God took her on during a specific time in her life. I kept waiting for the “teaching points” to come… some list of do’s or don’ts… but they never came. It was more refreshing to just be able to hear someone’s story (maybe struggle is a better word) as they walked with the Lord through this life.

Downs is very open and honest in her writing. She shares about the things that God taught her and encourages the reader to be open to learning truths about who God is through the everyday experiences of life. I love to hear the stories of people and how they interact with God. This book does a great job of sharing the good, bad, and ugly of a certain lady’s journey to remembering the fact that God is truly kind towards us.

If you have held to certain truths about God but faced times where is seems that some of His attributes were called into question, I would recommend checking out Remember God to get a perspective of someone who is very honest about her relationship with God. This book has the capability of reminding you that though the present circumstances do not always match up with what we may believe, God is truly who He has said that He is.