
I think that is one of the best terms to use when it comes to leadership. When we lead as a “Lone Ranger,” it has the tendency to become more about our own agenda. I truly believe that there is so much more that can be accomplished by a good team than any one individual, especially when it comes to ministry.

We can read different verses in the Bible that tell us that about the importance of teamwork (see Romans 12:3-8; 1 Corinthians 12:12-31). These are good words that remind us that not one of us has everything that we need to live the Christian life by ourselves. But I wonder do we miss the “other” teamwork that is needed?

When I read Colossians 1:28-29 this morning, something stood out to me like a neon sign…

We proclaim him, warning and teaching everyone with all wisdom, so that we may present everyone mature in Christ. I labor for this, striving with his strength that works powerfully in me.

While we may think about teamwork as bringing others into the equation with their gifts, talents, and abilities, we may lose sight of the greater team. We were first invited to be part of a team… God’s team – where He is the leader and in control.

For ministry to truly happen as it should, it must be led by the Holy Spirit. The question arises: are we working with the Holy Spirit in the work of ministry, or are we trying to do it all in our own strength?

We need to guard against just doing things – even good things – in our own strength. This is God’s show and His work has to be done in His strength and leading. He has graciously invited us to be part and has said that He would use us. That is the only way that we will see God’s fingerprints on the ministry that is done.

What team are you working with?