Posts tagged with: love

What the Love of God Does

The Christmas season is a special time of the year. This season is filled with so many wonderful things: lights, decorations, special songs, and time spent with friends and family. Another part of Christmas is gifts. I thought about putting...

Love One Another

We are going through a sermon series at my church called One Another. In this series of messages, we are looking at what it means for our church to be a faith family. God desires that every local church function...

A Response of Love

Love is one of the most precious words that we have in any language. There are many nuances to this precious word. There are many times that I wish that rather than English, we spoke Ancient Greek. There were multiple...

Lessons From A Golden Retriever

Let me introduce to you the newest member of our family. His name is Oaklee, and he is our new Golden Retriever. He has only been part of our family for a few days now, but in such a short...

Book Review: Remember God

There are different ways that people use to remember things that are important to them. For Christians, there have been different methods used to remember who God is and the mighty works that He has done in their lives. In...

Book Review: The Rule of Love

Author: Jonathan Leeman Publisher: Crossway Publishers   My Thoughts If there is one term that has been misused way too much in our culture, it is love. This little four letter word is used by so many to either sell...

Desperate Need For Community

The news story was one that no one wanted to hear. Police had been called to a house to investigate a 911 call. It appeared to be a murder-suicide tragedy.  Sadness creeps in… Then you find out that the victims...