Dude's Guide to MarriageIt is no secret that as you look around our society, the marriage relationship is coming under fire from many different directions.  This sacred institution is the heart of a society, and it is definitely worth the risk, effort, and whatever else to protect and make as healthy as possible.  If this precious relationship is not protected and strengthened, then it will be the Achilles’ heel of our society.

Darrin and Amie Patrick have put together a work that is intended to help the men in these relationships understand a little of what is expected from the other side of the relationship.  The Dude’s Guide to Marriage: Ten Skills Every Husband Must Develop to Love His Wife Well is this work.  I had the privilege of being asked to write a review about this book, and that is what I intend to do here.

One of the big things that I really enjoyed about reading this book was the fact that it was not just some guy writing to a bunch of other guys about what we should be doing or like.  The Patricks work together to speak to guys to help them see what the other side of the relationship is looking for.  This is huge because there are many times where we “don’t get it.”  We need someone to just shoot straight and show us what they are looking for.  By this couple teaming up, the reader (intended to be men) gets a wife’s perspective on issues that helps clarify some things greatly.  It was a great move to allow Amie Patrick completely write the chapter on pursuing your wife.

I really wondered about how well this would be because to cover ten topics on marriage for men and the book is only about 200 pages, I wondered if it would be like skipping across the top of a lake.  I came to find out that it was not that at all.  The Patricks carefully take us beneath the surface on these important issues and provide helpful, Bible-driven points to strengthen these areas.

I will admit that as I began reading this book, I thought that it was intended for those who were preparing for marriage.  Some of the chapters were bent this way, but many of them applied to those of us who have been married for some time.  At first, I felt that this was a little confusing, but now I see that as a great benefit of this book.  It can be used by men no matter what stage of life they are in.

I would highly recommend this book to any man out there.  Darrin and Amie Patrick have done a fantastic job in putting together some timeless wisdom in a way that is easy to work through.  It is straight to the point.  It will cause you to think and help move you to become the man that will love his wife well.