parent's joy
As I was reading in my Bible recently, I came across a verse that spoke to me in a brand new way.  That verse is the one in the image above (3 John 1:4).  I cannot count the times that I have heard this verse in a Bible study or sermon.  I have had it highlighted in many of the Bibles that I have owned.  What was so different this time of reading?

The difference was that I was not thinking of it as a pastor but as a parent.  When John first penned these words back in the first century, it seems as though he was writing about those he had seen come to faith in Christ.  He viewed his relationship with them as that of a parent.  It is good to think about it that way.

But this verse spoke to me and I thought about the three boys that God has so richly blessed my wife and I with.  I was immediately drawn to pray this for my boys.  I want them to know the Truth (Jesus Christ) in a powerful way.  I truly believe that there would be few things in life that would make me truly happy than to know and to hear from others about how my boys are walking/following Christ.

If you know someone who has children and they are walking in the truth of Jesus Christ, let their parents know.  You will bring them a joy like nothing else can.