Well it happened this morning. I had gotten up early to go into town and check out the condition of the baseball field that we had practice scheduled for. It has rained off and on the past two days. I knew that our team could use one more practice before games start next week. Sadly, the field was too wet still to practice.

As I tried to leave, I made my way through what I thought was some gravel… It wasn’t gravel. It was this gravelish slosh that was about 3ft deep. My Ford Explorer is not a 4-wheel drive… So you can guess what happened.


Yep… I was stuck. The more I tried to get loose, the deeper I went. As I sat there in disbelief that I could be duped this badly, I began thinking about something else.

There are so many people that are “stuck” in the middle of sin. Many times we think that we can overcome the things that get us off track so easily. All we have to do is “work hard enough.” This couldn’t be further from the truth.

As I sat there and looked at my situation, I quickly began to realize that there was no way that I was getting myself out of this. I couldn’t smooth-talk my way out… I couldn’t “work harder” and get out. I was completely helpless on my own.

In Ephesians 2, Paul shared some great truths with us. First, we are completely helpless in our natural situation (Epheisans 2:1-3). There is no “will-powering” your way out of sin. It does not make one sick; it makes you dead. Dead people cannot do anything.


Secondly, we need outside help, and God has provided that (Epheisans 2:4-5). While we were helpless, God provided our need through His only Son, Jesus. God didn’t have to help. He would not be any less holy or great if He chose to let humanity experience the full judgment for their sin. He chose by His grace to show mercy.

Third, Paul shares that only God can set us where we need to be – and where we want (Epheisans 2:6). Paul shares that not only does God give life to the sin-killed soul, but He sets him/her with Him in heavenly places.

“Only Jesus buys slaves and makes them heirs.” — @ThabitiAnyabwil #T4G2016

As I realized my helpless situation, I found myself humbled to reach out for help. Strangely enough, one of our young couples lives about a block or so away from my stuck position. As I called the guy and asked for help, I was truly grateful that our relationship was not just a Sunday morning thing.  God has placed people in our lives to be the conduit of His grace and mercy many times. It is important that you build and invest in those relationships because you never know when you will find yourself in need of a helping hand.