Posts tagged with: grace

Stand Firm

We are back in our series through the New Testament letter of Galatians. This is a letter that the apostle Paul wrote to a group of churches in an area known as Galatia, which is in modern-day Turkey. These were...

Walking in Grace

We are working our way through the New Testament letter of Galatians. Paul wrote this letter to a group of churches he helped start on one of his missionary journeys. The purpose of Paul writing this letter was to correct...

A Changed Life

Change is something that many would like, but not many like to go through. Change can be very difficult. We are creatures of habit. We typically like things to stay the same, but we also realize there are points where...

We are Redeemed

July 4th. When you hear that date, what comes to mind? We may think about fireworks and cookouts… ballgames and parades… In our country, July 4th is the day we celebrate our independence and the formation of this country. Did...

Old Testament Picture of Gospel Grace

When a person chooses to pick up a Bible and begin reading, one of the things that stands out is the unique names of many of the characters. You do not find Bob, Jim, Susan, or Jennifer… no you find...

Grace and Mercy

On Wednesday nights at Bethany Baptist Church, we have started a series where we are going through the New Testament letter, 1 Timothy.  I thought that I would share a little of my notes from what I shared with our...

Stuck in the Mud

Well it happened this morning. I had gotten up early to go into town and check out the condition of the baseball field that we had practice scheduled for. It has rained off and on the past two days. I...