I can remember the feeling that came over me about 7 years ago. I knew that God had been leading me to take this step. The journey would begin. I started out by driving to Pensacola, FL to a small room with a bunch of strangers each Monday morning. I had no idea how those people would impact me later on, especially the one at the front of the room.

What was this journey about? A little something called seminary… The grad school of the ministry world. I had turned my nose up to it after I got my undergrad thinking that there was really no need for “more classes.” It would be 6 years after I got my undergrad that I felt God was saying something along the lines of “it’s time for seminary for you. Time for you to find out it’s not just classes but training that will be very beneficial.”

The time that I spent in seminary (at least most of it) was truly a preparing time. To be able to study a field that I enjoy so much was great. The classes were not just filler work but things that pertained and helped (for the most part) in what God has called me to do. Because I did much of my seminary work via extension centers, I had the opportunity meet some really neat people from all around.

Today, I realize that this journey that began in January 2007 is now over. Yesterday, I got confirmation that all requirements for the Master of Divinity degree from New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary have been completed. 20140515-082508.jpg

The 7 Year Journey is over. It has been well worth it I must say.