I decided that I wanted to play Mr. Mechanic and do some work on one of our vehicles. I looked up the problem and found that the solution was actually pretty simple. The A/C in our Explorer would only work on high. Turned out the blower motor resistor needed replacing.

I got the new part while we were out and about. When I got home, I got started on the work. I got everything tore down and removed the part only to find out that I had gotten the wrong part.

The car part store told me that what they gave me was the only one that came up for my vehicle. I told them that was apparently not the case because I was holding something completely different. After some investigation, my vehicle is the one model that required the whole assembly.

As I drove back to exchange the parts, I got thinking… Driving has a way of doing that, huh? It is startling how many times people can be so sure of being right when they are completely wrong. Like the folks that Jesus mentions in Matthew 7:21-23.

There are many who think that as long as they live good lives and are good people, then all will be good when they come to their end on earth. They’ve been told that they will be okay because “God wouldn’t send someone like you to hell.”

We see from Jesus’ words in Matthew 7:23 and John 14:6 that there is only one answer to the issue of eternal life: a personal relationship with Jesus. There are no other options. No other ways to get there.

It’s one thing to be wrong about a car part. It’s a totally different thing to be wrong about God.