I am one that likes to read. I also like to share what I read with others. When I was asked by B&H Publishing Group if I would like to read one of their latest books and give a review, I gladly accepted. I had the privilege of reading Forward by Dr. Ronnie Floyd.

Dr. Ronnie Floyd is the Senior Pastor at Cross Church, which has multiple campuses across Arkansas. He is the current President of the Southern Baptist Convention. I have had a deep respect for Dr. Floyd for some time now. It was exciting to have the opportunity to read Dr. Floyd’s latest work, and the following is my take on it.


Ronnie Floyd is a man who wears many hats.  Along with being a family man and pastor, Floyd has a deep heart for those who are called to be leaders in any arena.  This book that he has written is one that examines “seven distinguishing marks for future leaders.”  These seven marks are: forward truth, cross-generational, futuristic thinker, culturally sensitive, growing teachability, compelled by compassion, and driven by something more.  Floyd seeks to use these seven distinguishing marks to show upcoming leaders how they can lead forward.

Things I Liked

  • The focus on Christ.  If you know Ronnie Floyd, you know that he has a love for Jesus that matched by few.  In this book, Floyd really tries to take every opportunity he can and point people to Jesus.
  • Transparency.  As Floyd goes through chapter after chapter, you can see that he is quick to be transparent about issues he even has.
  • Quick, easy read.  I finished this book in just a couple of days.  We are all busy – especially leaders.  This is a good, quick read that will encourage and help you on your leadership journey.
Things I Did Not Like
  • The repetition.  I know that repetition is a great teaching and learning tool, but for me, there was way to much in this book.  There would be times where the author would repeat themselves every other sentence.  I know that might be picky on my part, but it was a little of a distraction for me.
  • The wording.  When I read this book, there were times where it seemed that certain phrases or words were used just to push a point or stay in line with a point.  It sometimes would come across like the wording that was chosen was done so that readers could easily use this in sermon form.  I really liked the book and the material it presented, but I do believe that some of the wording might have been better if the author would have just stated what they were thinking and not trying to fit it into a certain word bank.  

The Final Grade

When it comes to Forward by Ronnie Floyd, I believe that this work would be a good benefit for leaders especially in the church to read and have on their bookshelves.  Though there were some things that I would have done differently, this book really encouraged me and showed me some things to be looking for as a leader.

I would give this book a B.