Posts tagged with: prayer

When Waiting Is Messy

Christmas comes with high expectations. We want everything to be just perfect, don’t we? We have pictures in our minds of children playing, church choirs singing, people smiling and getting along. But how often does it happen that way? It...

A First For Me

Yesterday, I experienced a first in the ministry. Things were going along in our Sunday worship service when all of the sudden, the service gets “hijacked” by one of the deacons. He made his way to the stage with a...

3 Things Jesus Prayed For Us

John 17 is commonly known as the High Priestly Prayer of Jesus. It is a beautiful scene of the Son of God praying like never before. It takes place just moments before Jesus is betrayed by one of His closest...

Not A Filler

At the church where I serve as Pastor, we have been studying 1 Timothy on Wednesday nights. This has been so good to look at for our church. This letter was written by an experienced pastor (Paul) to a younger...

Detestable Prayers

I came across a Bible verse the other day that really hit me hard in the gut.  Have you ever had that happen?  Ever had a Bible verse that you know that you have read over many times before, but...

Happy Father’s Day

I thought I would share some “Happy Father’s Day” wishes with all the dads out there. Being a dad is one of the most demanding yet most rewarding roles that a man can have.  Lord, I pray that you would...

Book Review: Forward by Ronnie Floyd

I am one that likes to read. I also like to share what I read with others. When I was asked by B&H Publishing Group if I would like to read one of their latest books and give a review,...