I Will! Nine Traits of the Outwardly Focused Christian
by Thom S. Rainer

This book is the follow-up work to I Am a Church Member by the President of Lifeway Christian Resources.  That book was intended to show what the attitudes of Christian church members should be.  The main points from I Am a Church Member are covered briefly in chapter one of I Will!

After the first chapter, I Will! focuses on the actions that a Christian church member should have.  They are introduced in eight chapters.

In this book, Thom Rainer does a good job in making sure that readers understand that it is not just about having the correct attitudes, but that there are some specific actions that need to accompany the correct attitudes.  He uses examples from the Bible and everyday life to show how these actions look in life.

One point that I think was really good in this book is the term that was introduced: “churchianity”.  This is a term that Rainer defines as “practicing our church and religious beliefs according to human standards rather than biblical guidelines” (93).  Sadly, while the term ‘churchianity’ may not be found in the dictionary, it is found across the land.  Many churches are operating not in the power of the Holy Spirit, but in the power and according to the desires of people.

Recommendation:  I would recommend this book to any person that is wanting to understand a little better what a Christian church member’s life is to look like, especially in the context of church life.  Thom Rainer does a good job of pointing people to what biblical church membership looks like.