While our family took a much needed vacation, we made plans to check out something that we had heard a lot about: the Creation Museum outside of Cincinnati, OH.  
I am so glad that we did. This was a great adventure for our family. I really believe that our boys enjoyed all the activities outside. There were plenty to choose from like walks among beautiful gardens, to a petting zoo, to camel rides, to zip line rides. We didn’t tackle all of these activities this time because you got to have something to bring back them back for. 
We enjoyed the 4-D type movie (the Men in White”) that showed how Christians and others who do not hold to the “theory of evolution” that there was plenty of evidence for a Creator. After getting sprayed in the face by the seat in front of me, my 5 year old grabbed my face and said, “this is the greatest movie EVER!!!!”
It was really good to see all the work that Answers in Genesis has put into this museum. It was on par – if not above – many museums that I have seen. It was good hearing people talk about things being “new” or “not here the last time.” It shows that they are doing a good work keeping it fresh.
I would strongly encourage you to make the journey and check out the Creation Museum. It is well worth the money and time.