I’ve been looking forward to tomorrow for a while now. I was asked by our associational director of missions some time back if I would pray about a mission trip. I’m all about some mission work. This trip would be very different from any mission trip with that I had been on before. This trip would be one where some select pastors from our area would fly to the Dominican Republic to train local pastors. 

I admit that I didn’t have to pray long. When I asked God and He said, “Go…” I was ready to go. I love to teach. I love those who God has called to serve and lead His people. To be able to take the wonderful gift I was given not long ago (seminary education) and share it with those who are just as called as I am and may not be able to receive it… I’m all in. 
So now tomorrow morning, I will join three other pastors from our area in flying to the DR to share the wonderful gift of training with some Dominican pastors. I ask that you pray for our team and our families back home.