Today was the first day of a week that I have been looking forward to for some time.  This week I will join a couple other pastors as we team with Hispaniola Mountain Ministries to train pastors from the Dominican Republic and Haiti.  Today was the first day of this great journey.

The picture to the left here was how the day started out.  I had to get up at about 3:15am and head to the airport in Jackson, MS to catch the first flight.  Those who know me well know that mornings are not my specialty.  Thanks to a loving and supportive wife, I got there and got to experience a beautiful sunrise on the way to Atlanta.

We arrived in Atlanta for just enough time to grab a quick bite and then go get ready to board for the big flight to Santo Domingo.  While I was waiting for this flight, I got the best video from the best boys in the whole wide world.  You don’t know how much it means to have your boys and wife praying for you while you are away from them.

We got boarded and made the trip down to the DR.  Everything went well.  I was ready to make contact with the family but realized that you had to pay an arm and a leg for wifi at the airport so I thought I would wait until we got to the place that we were staying.  I knew that wifi would be free there.

We made the 3.5 hour journey via van to the location where we would be staying and doing the pastor training.  It was an interesting ride.  I was interesting to see how many different kinds of scenes you can see on this island.  There were mountains… and the ocean… and fields of crops… and fields of wilderness…

With all the different sites on the ride, the view on the right here is the view from where we are doing what the Lord has brought us to do.  It is beautiful and sad at the same time.  I continue to ask for your prayers.

  • Pray for the pastors that will be coming for the training.
  • Pray for the pastor (Michael) here in this area who is heading this event up.
  • Pray for myself and the other 3 pastors who will be leading the training.
  • Pray for God to move in a mighty way here.