Book Title: The Wisdom Pyramid: Feeding Your Soul in a Post-Truth World

Author: Brett McCracken

Publisher: Crossway Publishers

It is no secret that we are living in a time when information is at an all-time high. When we need to know about something, all we have to do is pull out our phones or laptops and “Google it.” It seems so long ago that if a person wanted to know about something, then they would ask someone or pick up a book to find out the answer. Today, we have an ocean of information at our fingertips in the blink of an eye.

With all of this information bombarding us at every turn, are we any wiser than those who went before us? Just because we have more information at our fingertips does not mean that we know how to use it or work our way through it. We need a tool that can help us to take all the information that comes our way and put it into a manner that works to turn information into true wisdom. It is for this reason that Brett McCracken wrote The Wisdom Pyramid

The Wisdom Pyramid plays off of the well-known Food Pyramid that was introduced in the twentieth century. Both of these tools were invented to help people learn how to have a healthy, well-balanced diet of sorts. McCracken shows the reader how to deal with the information overload that comes our way constantly by setting up a structure to help with “consumption.” 

McCracken’s Wisdom Pyramid comes in six levels. He does a great job of explaining what each level is and how they build on one another. He begins with the base (the foundation and most important element) and works up towards the tip (maybe not the most important but still important). 

I really enjoyed reading through this book. It is truly filled with many great insights. McCracken has got his finger on the pulse of the information tidal wave that each of us lives in today. He has put together a great and needed tool to help guide us through these waters. 

One of the parts of this book that I liked the most is that McCracken takes a very honest and open stance on information. With all of the “junk” that is out there on the internet, McCracken does not see the internet or social media as something that should be avoided. Rather, he urges the reader to help redeem this tool that has been given to us. I agree wholeheartedly with statements that McCracken makes about while we may want to run to an analog world, we must come to grips that we live in the digital age. We must learn to use it for the glory of God. 


I would strongly recommend that each person who can go get a copy of The Wisdom Pyramid. This is one of the most insightful reads that I’ve had in a long while. It is not a long read at all (about 176 pages in total), but it is filled with some great insight and helps for the reader to know how to navigate these heavy information waves that continuously come our way. You will not be disappointed by getting this book and putting it to use.

***I received a copy of The Wisdom Pyramid from Crossway Publishers in exchange for an honest review of the material.***