Posts tagged with: culture

Book Review: The Wisdom Pyramid

Book Title: The Wisdom Pyramid: Feeding Your Soul in a Post-Truth World Author: Brett McCracken Publisher: Crossway Publishers It is no secret that we are living in a time when information is at an all-time high. When we need to...

A Sad Revelation

I will try not to spoil anything about Star Wars: The Last Jedi with this post. Our family went on an impromptu adventure last Thursday as we went and seen Star Wars: The Last Jedi as it opened in a...

Which Jesus?

I believe that it is no secret that we live in a time when people love the choices that are available to them. A person does not have to just take what is given to them in many situations, but...

Book Review: “We Cannot Be Silent”

The world in which we find ourselves living is one that does not resemble what it was just a couple of decades ago at all.  Some might be inclined to think that if you were to hold up a picture...

Book Review: Onward

The church now has the opportunity to bear witness in a culture that often does not even pretend to share our “values.” That is not a tragedy since we were never given a mission to promote “values” in the first...