This summer at the church where I serve as pastor, we are having some special nights of corporate prayer on specific Wednesday nights. We have invited all of our church – youngest to the oldest – to come together for a time of prayer. We believe that prayer is essential to the life and ministry of the local church.

This past Wednesday was our first ‘Summer Prayer Night,’ and it was truly great. I couldn’t tell you about all of the “ministry” that was taking place in our worship center that night. I was reminded of when I read Fresh Wind, Fresh Fire by Jim Cymbala about how times of corporate prayer are powerful and seeing God move in big ways.

I thought that I might just share with you a couple of ways in which I was ministered to in our first Summer Prayer Night.

  • Praying with my child at the altar. It was special to watch one of my sons come down in front of everyone that night and bow down on the steps leading to the platform. As I watched him fold his little hands and began to pray, I was just drawn to him to join. I asked him if I could pray with him, and he said, “Sure, Daddy!”
  • Families praying together. It was a sweet sight to look around and watch families gather together and pray together. I believe that ‘the family who prays together, stays together’ is much more than a sweet little saying.
  • Encouragement Overflowing. I had a dear, sweet lady approach me after our time of prayer and express her thankfulness that God had led our family here. I told her that we share in that feeling as well.
  • The sound of children praying out loud. There was one amazing little boy in the room that just prayed as best as his little heart and mind knew how to for “Mommy and Daddy… and thank you, Jesus!” I just thought about how Jesus said that God has put praise in the mouths of little ones for times such as this. I enjoyed sharing with the parents how they didn’t need to feel embarrassed, but rather that they should continue to disciple their children as they are doing… because it is working well!

I cannot wait to see what all the Lord has in store for our church through these times of prayer. I would encourage all pastors/churches, make sure that you are purposefully planning some times of corporate prayer and see what God does!