Posts tagged with: children

Do Not Commit Adultery

As we continue our series looking at the Ten Commandments, it is interesting to notice that nowhere in the Ten Commandments does God give a commandment about worshipping Him in a particular building. The reason for this is that God...

Honor Your Parents

Honor your father and mother so that you may have a long life in the land that the LORD your God is giving you. Exodus 20:12 CSB When it comes to the Ten Commandments, a picture of two tablets often...

The Power of Prayer

This summer at the church where I serve as pastor, we are having some special nights of corporate prayer on specific Wednesday nights. We have invited all of our church – youngest to the oldest – to come together for...

The Power of VBS

As the summer begins, it is the season of VBS for many churches. This has been a program that many churches have used over the years to reach out to and minister to children. Memories of songs, Bible stories, games,...

Book Review: Growing Down

Title: Growing Down: Unlearning the Patterns of Adulthood that Keep Us from Jesus Author: Michael Kelley Publisher:  B & H Publishing Group Overview The thought of growing up is something that intrigues every child.  They cannot wait until they become...

How important is VBS?

This week has been a wild one at our church. It has been VBS week. We have partnered with two other churches in our area to reach out and provide this great ministry to children in our community. We have...