20130604-225852.jpg Last night was one of those special moments as a parent and a Christian. As we were getting our three boys ready for bed, the oldest said that it was time for everyone to get together for prayer. I thought to myself that was pretty cool. I didn’t know just how cool it was going to be.

We got somewhat settled and shared prayer requests with one another. My wife then asked our oldest son (almost 6 yrs old) to voice our prayer for the night. As my son closed his eyes, it began: the lesson.

The first thing that he prayed for was the child we sponsor through Compassion International, George. Our son prayed and asked God to make sure they had everything they needed, especially a Bible. “Why a Bible” you may ask? My son would answer by saying, “because they need to know about You (God) and that You love them.”

I’ll be honest, I didn’t hear much more of my son’s prayer last night. After he had prayed for this other boy and his family to have the best tool for knowing who God is and what His plans are, I was just like “Wow.” The first thing that I thought about was when Jesus said,

“I assure you, unless you are converted and become like children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven. Therefore, whoever humbles himself like this child – this one is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven.” (Matthew 18:3-4 HCSB)

I believe that I got a front row seat to see what childlike faith looks like. It looks like a 6 year old pleading with God to make Himself known to someone he cares about… and believing and knowing that God is going to do it. May my prayers be soaked with that kind of faith.