The Southern Baptist Convention will kick off tomorrow. Before the Convention begins, there is the Pastors Conference. This is a time of preaching and more to encourage pastors, their wives, and other staff members.

I am a little bummed that I was not able to go to Houston for the Pastors Conference and the Convention, but getting settled into our new place of service is a little more important. I am so grateful that Southern Baptists are not afraid of using the available tools to make the Word available. They have made the Pastors Conference available to view via the Internet. You can view the Pastors Conference for free by clicking here.

Tune in beginning at 9am to hear from people like: Ed Stetzer, Ronnie Floyd, Mark Dever, Tony Merida, Dr. Rodney Woo, Matt Carter, Greg Laurie, Gov. Mike Huckabee, and more!