Title: Answering the Tough Questions About Suffering and Evil

Authors: Bruce Bickel and Stan Jantz

Publisher: Bethany House


In light of the events that took place recently in Sutherland Springs, TX, a book that discusses the issue of God and suffering would be a good fit. Suffering and evil are a reality that plagues our world. That truth does not make it any easier to stomach, but it is the truth nonetheless.

Bruce Bickel and Stan Jantz try to bring some light on the subject of God and suffering in their recent book, Answering the Tough Questions About Suffering and Evil. These two authors have written many books with the intention of “communicating the truths of God in a way that is clear, correct, and casual.”

In Answering the Tough Questions About Suffering and Evil, ten questions are addressed about the topic of suffering and evil. These questions are ones that are often asked by people who are wrestling with how God and these issues fit together. Each question has a chapter devoted to it that also has some reflection and discussion questions at the end of each chapter.


It really seems like the stories of suffering and evil are coming more frequently and with more intensity. There have always been those that asked questions about God especially when tragedy strikes. I think that this work that Bickel and Jantz have written helps those who are genuinely looking for some good answers to these questions. This book in no way seeks to be a full answer to each and every question dealing with suffering or evil (that would a multi-volume set). Bickel and Jantz seem to put forward simple answers that point the reader to the truths of the Bible.


When it comes to recommending Answering the Toughest Questions About Suffering and Evil, I would gladly recommend this resource to a person that might be dealing with some of the common questions that people have with these subjects. It is not going to completely settle the issues, but it will give the reader some good answers and direction toward finding truth in the Bible.