Posts tagged with: book review

Book Review: Answering the Toughest Questions About Suffering and Evil

Title: Answering the Tough Questions About Suffering and Evil Authors: Bruce Bickel and Stan Jantz Publisher: Bethany House Overview In light of the events that took place recently in Sutherland Springs, TX, a book that discusses the issue of God...

Book Review: The Wisdom of God

To say that I am a fan of A.W. Tozer’s writings would be an understatement.  I have read many of his works that has been published over the years.  I appreciate his style and approach to topics of the faith....

Book Review: “VIP”

Influence.  There are those who have it, and there are those who want more of it.  It is a powerful commodity in our day and time. There seems to be so many jockeying for position in the arena of influence....