I am using this month like many others to recognize and show my appreciation for the “pastors” that God has brought into our lives. These are the specialized ones that comes into our lives and shepherd us towards what God is wanting to do in us.

In this post, I want to take time to appreciate a man named Dan Perez. Many know him as “Dan the Man” because that is what he is.

Dan Perez was one of my first Sunday School teachers as a teenager. I really think that Dan lost some bet in a youth workers’ meeting when you look at the teens that he was tasked with keeping an eye on in the youth group. Actually, when you spend any amount of time with Dan, you will quickly see that he has a heart for people to know Christ.

Dan Perez has been one that God has used to guide me in great ways. He was so much more than just someone to lead a lesson on Sunday mornings. He took time with his class. He had us in his house. He would get to know us personally and use that knowledge to point us in a good direction.

I am will forever be grateful to Dan (and his sweet wife, Nina) for the ways that they have and are pouring into my life and the life of my family.