Posts tagged with: pastor

Encouragement from an Older Preacher

I have been accused of being a Bible collector at times. I have about 6 or 7 different English translations in print and many more via Logos and the Bible app. What can I say, I like God’s word and...

Review of the CSB Pastor’s Bible

I had been hearing about this Bible that was coming out in October 2017 called the Pastor’s Bible from Holman Publishers. This is a style of Bible that has been called “the Minister’s Bible” in the past with other translations....

Pastor Appreciation 2017 Part 3

October has been recognized as “Pastor Appreciation Month,” and so I am taking a little time to recognize and honor some of the people that God has used as “pastors” in my life.  Those special people that God uses to...

Pastor Appreciation 2017 Part 2

I am using this month like many others to recognize and show my appreciation for the “pastors” that God has brought into our lives. These are the specialized ones that comes into our lives and shepherd us towards what God...

Pastor Appreciation 2017 Part 1

October has been set aside as “Pastor Appreciation Month.” I have always thought that this was a little silly. It is like the joke that goes around the church where I serve as pastor: “we got to appreciate you a...

Book Review: Pastoral Theology

Title: Pastoral Theology: Theological Foundations For Who A Pastor Is and What He Does Author: Daniel L. Akin and R. Scott Pace Publisher: B&H Academic of Nashville, TN Overview Pastoral Theology is a book that seeks to build a theological...

It’s That Important

We started a new session of small groups at our church this past Sunday.  We have moved from a regular service to doing more small group Bible studies on Sunday evenings.  We are seeing some peaked interest and even a...