

On this 7th day of November, I would like to express my thanks to the man I affectionally call “Pops.”  That man is my dad, Ken Stephens.  As with most any relationship that a person has in their lives, ours has had it share of ups and downs (definitely more ups than downs).  Through it all, I have never questioned if Pops was behind me.

I remember the ways that he supported my love for baseball.  Taking me to practices and ball games constantly.  Cheering from those little league stands.  Even helping me to conquer my fear of the baseball with the monetary encouragement.  He wanted to see me succeed.  He knew that it was something that I enjoyed, so he did everything in his power to make sure I could experience it to the full.

Even in my ministry, my dad has been a big supporter of mine.  We may attend different churches and not see completely eye-to-eye on all theological issues, but one thing is for sure: he has supported and encouraged me.  For that, I am truly thankful.

So today on the day that you turn 72, I would like so say thank you to my gracious Lord for giving me a pretty good dad here on earth.  Happy birthday, Pops!