As I continue to move through this month expressing my thanks for various things in my life, I have come to one that is not the easiest. There are some things that come in life that make you want to do everything but give thanks. One such event took place in our family about 8 years ago when we miscarried our first child. My wife has written a great post about that here.

There are some things that are easy to give thanks for, but others – especially in the moment – are not so easy. Finding out that you are having a baby for which you have prayed – easy. Finding out that the heartbeat of that child is no longer there – not so much.

Consider it a great joy, my brothers, whenever you experience various trials, knowing that the testing of your faith produces endurance. But endurance must do its complete work, so that you may be mature and complete, lacking nothing. ~ James 1:2-4 HCSB

These verses from the Bible seem so strange. Be grateful for the trials that come our way? That’s right. Because the sovereign God of the universe has got everything under control. There is nothing that escapes His notice. Because of His proven love for me over and over (and over again), I can say thank You for whatever comes my way – even the trials.

God has used the loss of “Peanut” to teach me to be grateful for all my children. Too many times we think we are entitled to things. We are entitled to NOTHING! Because of that dark day where the heart monitor was silent, I have learned to grab and love my boys every day, because you never know when it will be the last opportunity to do so.

So today, I am thankful for the trials that God is using to make me mature and complete – even though I don’t like them.