In 1621, the colonists of Plymouth and the Wampanoag Indians shared a harvest meal with each other. This has become known as the first Thanksgiving celebration in the New World.

In 1863, President Abraham Lincoln established a national holiday. This was to be a day of “Thanksgiving and Praise to our beneficient Father who dwelleth in the Heavens.”

I do not know of many who are not a fan of Thanksgiving. It seems to be a time where just about anyone can get involved. A time where we gather around a loaded table with family and friends, watch parades and football, and give thanks for the blessings in our lives.

While so many seem to get involved in this time, I think that it is important that we remember the specifics of this “holiday.” It was set aside as a holiday not to just load up on refreshments and early Christmas shopping. It was intended to stop and remember where our blessings truly come from.

In this age, where there are a rising number of “Nones” (those claiming no religious affiliation), there is a temptation to make our Thanksgiving as generic as possible. We wouldn’t want to offend anyone, right?

I would like to encourage any follower of Jesus to not fall into the trap of generic thanksgiving this year – or any other time. Remember as President Lincoln boldly reminded the nation, it is the Lord of the Bible that provides each and every blessing we enjoy. It is to Him that we should offer our gratitude and be intentional with it.

When you express your thanks this Thanksgiving, will those around you know who it is that you are thanking?