Today, I would like to give thanks for grace. I realize that I’ve already posted on this topic once this month, but every time I think I have a handle on what God’s grace is and what it looks like, He blows my mind again. Grace has to be the greatest gift that God ever gave us humans.

I have written about how God is holy. Although this quality of holiness is great and really necessary, it puts a damper on things because we – sinful as we are – cannot have a deep relationship with God.

20131118-084101.jpgThat is unless this holy God choses of His own free will to express grace and make a way for sinful humans to have a relationship with Him. That is exactly what God did for us through His Son, Jesus. He chose to open His arms to us even when we didn’t deserve it.

For while we were still helpless, at the appointed moment, Christ died for the ungodly. For rarely will someone die for a just person – though for a good person someone might even dare to die. But God proves His own love for us in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us! (Romans 5:6-8 HCSB)

I was reminded of this amazing grace during my sermon yesterday morning. I was preaching on the law of the harvest (you reap what you sow). You can’t get around the law of the harvest. But God has allowed there to be another law at play: the law of grace. When we’ve sown “bad seed” in our lives, the law of the harvest says that destruction is on its way. The law of grace though may be applied and provide us with forgiveness from sins and strength for the consequences.

It’s no wonder they call this “amazing grace!”