
Today, I am thankful for the Bible.  I know that may seem “understood” coming from a pastor, but I’m not writing this post as a pastor.  I’m writing this as a person who happens to be a pastor.  I have always had a fondness of the Bible.  I was raised in a home where my parents were believers in Jesus Christ.  They thought that the Bible was important.  While other children got stories of bears, dragons, and other characters, my sister and I were told the stories of the Old Testament along with Psalms many times before bed.

bibleI have come to see the Bible as much more than just a good “bedtime” storybook.  It is the only book that I know of that is alive (Hebrews 4:12).  It is not just a collection of thoughts about God, but it is actually the word of God (2 Timothy 3:16-17).  I do not have to wonder what or how God thinks about a topic.  All I have to do is open this letter that He has provided, and He lets me know.

What impact has this wonderful word had on your life?