Today has been a busy day around our house.  We celebrated the birthdays of our middle and youngest children today.  Sam turned 6 on June 4th, and Cole will turn 5 on July 14th.  We decided with all the things going on this summer, it would be best for us to have one party for the both of them.  It was fun times.

Since we had many of our family at our house, we decided that today we would also honor and recognize our Sam for finishing his kindergarten year of homeschooling.  He worked hard and did a great job.

One of the things that we have worked with Sam (and his brothers) is memorizing Scripture.  Below is a little video of Sam sharing the verses that he learned this year.  (Proud dad here.)


Yep, that is our little 6 year old sharing Ephesians 6:10-18.  So proud of him. Who says that you can’t memorize the Bible?