
Another  year has come and gone.  2013 was one that I can look back on and see some really good things and some not-so-good memories.  What in the world will 2014 hold?  Will there be any major events that take place, or will it be a pretty average year?  No one really knows.  We’ll just have to wait and see.

One thing that I have learned and shared with our church family this past week is that God has given us a solid foundation to build our 2014 upon.  It can be found in Matthew 7:24-29.  In this passage, Jesus is concluding the Sermon on the Mount.  He shares that there are two foundations that people build their lives upon.  The good foundation is used by those who hear and do the words of Christ.  The poor foundation is used by those who may hear the words of Christ but never do anything with them.

So it all comes down to what do you do with the teachings of Christ.  To hear them is good, but according to Jesus doing is what builds on the solid rock.  James 1:22 reminds us to “Be doers of the word and not hearers only, deceiving yourselves.”  What you will do with Christ’s teachings will determine what kind of foundation your 2014 is built upon.  That foundation will determine whether your “building” stands or falls when the storms come… and they will come.

One cannot do anything with the teachings of Christ if they do not know what they are.  It is important to get into God’s word (the Bible) – all of it – and study it.  I would encourage you to find a reading plan this year and go through the Bible in 2014.  Many good ones can be found at YouVersion.  Build your 2014 on the solid foundation of God’s word so that it might stand when the storms come.