20140118-091515.jpgHard to believe that ten years ago yesterday, Naomi and I exchanged wedding vows. I didn’t get to post anything on here yesterday, so I thought that I’d share some things that we’re going through my head about this great moment.

  • It was an overcast Saturday. Not the weather that I would have chosen for the occasion, but we would have to go with it. Crazy how that lesson would come in handy over the past ten years. Things don’t always go the way you would like. You sometimes have to roll with the punches.
  • Children are truly a blessing. God has given us the opportunity to experience five children over the past ten years. There has been “Peanut”, Drew, Sam, Cole, and our Compassion child – George. Each of these children has helped us learn the important task of working together.
  • I would not exchange the past ten years for anything in the world. Has everything been just like I wanted? Of course not! But the journey had been one of the things that has made the past ten years so interesting.
  • To my bride, I say “thank you for the past ten plus years! Can’t wait to see what the next ten have in store.”

    And now it is time to wrap this thing up and get ready to go out and finally celebrate this occasion (thanks Nana & Pawpaw for watching the little ones).