I have been part of Southern Baptist churches from the time I was a teenager.  While I may not have always known it, Southern Baptist churches have played an important role in my life and ministry.  I went to a Southern Baptist college (Blue Mountain College)… I went to a Southern Baptist seminary (New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary)… I have served in Southern Baptist churches in various roles… I have even had the privilege of serving at a Southern Baptist children’s home during college (MS Baptist Children’s Village).  I guess you could say that I have been a SBC boy for a while now.

Southern_Baptist_Convention_logo1While most of my new life in Christ has been found in the sphere of Southern Baptist influence, I had begun to have some thoughts that things might not be looking so good for the denomination that I find myself part.  I know that many denominations in our nation are facing tough times when it comes to attendance and buy-in.  The rise of the “nones” and “dones” is affecting many denominations, not just the Southern Baptist Convention.

While I am very grateful for the part that many great people have played in our denomination, the fact that many of the younger generations were ducking out and going a “non-denominational” route says something: our denomination has been seen as an “old, white man’s denomination.”  There are many who think that the SBC really is their grandfather’s denomination, but not for them.

A New Light Beginning to Shine

Over the past couple of years, something has been stirring in the Southern Baptist Convention.  It seems like there are some real steps being made to make sure that this work continues on through future generations.

  • Fred Luter becomes SBC President in 2012.  This moment was one that was desperately needed in the Southern Baptist Convention.  I am very thankful for the leadership of Fred Luter.  This election was not about making a statement although it did make one.  It showed that the SBC was not about being just a “white man’s denomination” but one for all people around the world.
  • David Platt becomes IMB President in 2014.  David Platt is seen by some as a wonder boy.  Though he is relatively younger in age, God has done great things through this young man.  He did a fantastic job leading at The Church at Brooks Hills after the church had been rocked by scandal.  This young man has brought a new look at the way mission work is done through the IMB.  He has even had to call out some things that had gone on for far too long and make some tough decisions.  This leadership though is charting a course for the IMB to go forward stronger than ever before.
  • Nomination of JD Greear for President of SBC in 2016.  When I heard that JD Greear was going to be nominated as President of the SBC at the upcoming convention, I have to admit that I got excited.  I believe that this is a sign that new days are ahead for the SBC.  Greear is not the “usual candidate” for this position.  He is younger than most.  The church he leads is not what you would call “traditional.”  But what he brings to the table shows that he is more than qualified to not just handle this position, but to handle this position at this crucial time. For more details on Greear’s info, check out this article.  Also check out what Greear had to say about accepting this nomination by clicking here.

Change is a part of life and creation.  It has to happen or things will become obsolete. I believe, from what I have been seeing in our denomination, that there are some much brighter days ahead for the SBC. I look forward to what they will be and will bring.