As we continue looking at the Holy Spirit and the power with which He brings to our lives, we want to look at the power He gives us to live the life that God desires.

When a person comes to faith in Christ, one of the first things that flood their soul is the desire to do what their new King would desire.  The problem is that on their own there is no way for this to happen.  Because of the impact of sin on a person’s life, there is no one who can do what God desires on their own.  This is a work of the Holy Spirit within the life of a believer.  He gives us the power to live the life that God desires.

There may be times when we find ourselves in situations where we want to do God’s will, but we are not sure what it might be.  The Holy Spirit will give us the direction that we need.  Jesus said in John 14:26 that “the Counselor, the Holy Spirit – the Father will send Him in My name – will teach you all things and remind you of everything I have told you.”

When there are times when we are not sure what to do, we can rest assured that the Holy Spirit will keep His deal and help us in our time of need.  Because of His work, we now have the power to live the abundant life that God desires for us.