Once again, I am on a journey to read through the Bible in a  year.  I am currently using the Chronological plan that can be found on YouVersion or Blue Letter Bible.  I have found that reading through the Bible in a chronological way can help a person better get the “story.”  

In today’s reading, I came across something that stood out to me.  In Exodus 35:30-34, we see Moses calling out those who had been chosen for the specific task of helping construct the Tabernacle.  In the calling out of these men, one can see a foreshadowing of what pastors would do in today’s time.
Called and appointed by God (v 30). We see that first, God calls and appoints Bezalel by name for this specific task.  God knew who He wanted and called them out of the crowd.  The same goes for those who are to serve as pastors in the local church context.  These men should have a calling from the Holy Spirit that this is what the Lord has for them.  The ministry is not something you just inherit because previous generations in your family served.  It is a specific calling to specific people that God has chosen.
Filled with the Holy Spirit (v 31).  It is recognized that the person that God has called out for the specific task is also filled with the Holy Spirit for the task.  Pastors of all kinds know that this is a MUST in ministry.  You cannot do it on your own strength.  The work of ministry calls for the presence and power of the Holy Spirit to make it.  
Gifted specifically (v 31-32).
Moses lists the ways that these chosen men have been gifted by God for the task that He has called them.  When the Lord wants to use someone in ministry, often He will use those that He has gifted specifically for the need.  It doesn’t always happen that way, but a great deal of the time it does.  Before Moses led the Israelites, he was a shepherd.  Before David was king over people, he learned how to lead sheep.  Before Peter became a “fisher of men,” he knew fishing. God will gift you for the task He has called you.
Enabled to teach/train (v 34).
The task of constructing the Tabernacle was too much for one or two people.  God raised up leaders who had the gifts needed, but He also enabled them with the ability to teach others how to do what they were doing.  Ephesians 4:11-13 reminds pastors that we have a responsibility to train the church for the work of ministry.  There is no way that we can do it ourselves.  If we do not train others to do what we do, then when it’s time to move out of the way, the work will move also.