Yesterday was the National Day of Prayer in the United States. You can read more about this history of this event by clicking here. I am very thankful to have been a part of this event yet another year. I had the privilege of serving as a host for the meeting in our small town again this year. I was excited that we doubled the attendance from last year’s event. 
As this year’s event came to a close, I was left with a few thoughts on my mind. 
  • It is always a good thing when God’s people come together to pray.   It has always baffled me how people who claim to worship the same God have a hard time coming together.  I understand that there might be some differences when it comes to how certain things are done in the church, but if we are true New Testament churches, then we are the Body of Christ.  We will be spending all of eternity alongside one another.  It is so encouraging when the Body of Christ works together in the same direction instead of against one another.
  •  The National Day of Prayer must not be a holiday.  By this I mean that if the church only spends one day out of the year before the Lord praying for our country, communities, and churches, then do not be surprised if nothing happens.  The National Day of Prayer should serve as a reminder of what we should be doing on a daily basis.  We may not have to come together with big programs, but we do need to be praying for our country, leaders, communities, and churches if we want to see God move in a mighty way.
  • The amazing thought that God not only hears the cries of our hearts, but He cares.  I was really ministered to by the theme verse for this year’s National Day of Prayer.  It was 1 Kings 8:28 which says, “Yet have regard to the prayer of Your servant and his plea, O Lord my God, listening to the cry and to the prayer that Your servant prays before You this day…”  As I was preparing for the event in our community and while it was going on, I was just filled with joy with the thought that God was not just listening to the prayers of His children because of duty.  He genuinely cares as He listens to the heart cries of His children.
What were your thoughts and experiences from the National Day of Prayer yesterday?