The Christmas season brings about a great deal of expectations. Hopefully, those expectations bring about joy to our lives. Joy is very different from just happiness. It is the happiness and contentment of the soul that is present no matter what the situation we are in may be.

A joyful heart is good medicine, but a broken spirit dries up the bones.

Proverbs 17:22 CSB

One of the characteristics of joy in our lives is the presence of laughter. Did you know that laughter has many scientific benefits in our lives? It can lower blood pressure. It can reduce anxiety. It can boost our immune system. It benefits our cardiovascular system. It can even burn calories.

‌”The Gospel is nothing less than laughter and joy.”

Martin Luther

The Christmas and Advent seasons should be a time of great joy. One of the reasons for this is because this season is a reminder of the gospel. The gospel is God’s plan of making a way for any person to be made right with Him by the demonstration of grace through Jesus Christ.

The Gospel is the good news that we can be delivered from our sins by the finished work of Jesus Christ. With this season, we see the expectation of deliverance coming to us.

During this time of the year, delivery may take on different meanings. You may be drawn to think about the delivery of packages that you have ordered. There is an anticipation that comes with that. Another thought of delivery is the birth of a child. That amazing miracle comes with a period of months of waiting and preparation. When that moment arrives, the parents realize that it was all worth it.

In Luke 1, we see the account of two ladies who were expecting the delivery of babies. These two precious baby boys would help to change the world forever. In verse 36, as the angel is telling Mary the news that she will give birth to the Messiah, the angel also tells Mary that her cousin, Elizabeth, was pregnant with child. Apparently, Mary and Elizabeth were pretty close. With this news, Mary sets off to see what God is doing.

Mary Visits Elizabeth

As Mary heard the news that Elizabeth was pregnant, she ran to see for herself (Luke 1:39-40). This was a miracle because Elizabeth had not been able to have a child up to this point. It had seemed that having a child was not in God’s plan for Elizabeth. God shows that His timing isn’t always lined up with our expectations. Just because something doesn’t happen when or how we think it should doesn’t mean that it will never happen.

Has there been times in your life when you were looking for something to happen, but it didn’t seem to? Those times can be very discouraging. I’m not going to stand here and say that just because you want it to happen then it will. I will say that it is important for us to seek out the “when” and “how” from God and not just the “what.” God is not limited by our time or resources. He is the Creator of the universe, and He can do whatever He wills.

Effects of Mary’s Visit

When Elizabeth heard Mary’s greeting, the baby leaped inside her, and Elizabeth was filled with the Holy Spirit.

Luke 1:41 CSB

First, we are told that the baby in Elizabeth’s womb “leaped inside of her.” This, of course, is John the Baptist. God’s plan for little John’s life is to be the forerunner of the Messiah. Because Mary was pregnant with Jesus in her womb, their presence in the house brought great joy even to the baby in Elizabeth’s womb. Little John jumped for joy because God’s plan was unfolding just as God designed. When we see God working around us, we should not be afraid to jump for joy.

Second, we are told that the Holy Spirit filled Elizabeth. Before Pentecost in Acts 2, the Holy Spirit would come upon people to enable them to carry out God’s desires. Today, every person that trusts in Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord is filled with the Holy Spirit to guide them in God’s ways. As Elizabeth is filled with the Holy Spirit, she begins to praise God and confirm the message of the angel to Mary.

Mary had not told Elizabeth that she was pregnant. This was knowledge given to Elizabeth by the Holy Spirit. Elizabeth also encourages Mary about her trust in the Lord’s plan for her life even though it would not be easy.

This scene reminds us of the importance of gathering together with other Christians. Do you realize that when Christians gather together, the Holy Spirit is living within each one and can use each one to encourage others for His glory? I’m sure that Mary was still trying to figure everything out. I imagine that there were still questions. The Holy Spirit used Mary to encourage Elizabeth, but He also used Elizabeth to encourage Mary. This is what the church is supposed to look like – believers being used by the Holy Spirit to help one another.

Mary’s Response

In Luke 1:46-55, we see Mary’s response. It has become known as the Magnificat (Latin for “my soul magnifies the Lord”). It is a song of praise that Mary gives in response to all that she has witnessed. In this song are six key points:

  • Praise comes from the soul and not just the mouth (Luke 1:46-47)
  • God sees you where you are (Luke 1:48)
  • God does great work in and through us (Luke 1:49)
  • God’s mercy never runs out (Luke 1:50)
  • God will not overlook sin (Luke 1:51-52)
  • God keeps His word (Luke 1:53-55)

Application Points

God has a great plan

There are times when it can feel that life is just a rushing river, and we are just riding the current. We can see from this scene between Mary and Elizabeth that God has a great plan, and He is faithful to see it to completion.

‌God will not fail or forget us

Part of God’s great plan involves us personally. Though we can feel lost and forgotten in the middle of a huge crowd at times, we never fall off of God’s radar. He knows right we are. He knows exactly what we are going through. He also knows how to get us to where we need to be. All God asks of us is to trust and follow Him.

‌God invites us to join Him in His work

While God is working in our lives, He is also working in others around us as well. Many times, God will invite you to join Him in what He is doing there. He is not asking you to play the role of God in their lives, but He may be wanting to use you to help them in their journey.

‌God will strengthen our faith through our obedience

As Mary trusted and obeyed the Lord, God used her to help Elizabeth. Through this entire interaction, Mary’s faith was strengthened. This can happen in our lives as well. It might be that what we need most is not another bible study or sermon. What we might need most is to obey the Lord with what He has already shown us.


There is a famous song that comes out at this time of year. It was co-written by Mark Lowry, a Christian comedian and talented singer. It is called, “Mary, Did You Know?” I know there are different views on this song. To settle the question, yes, Mary was informed about who Jesus was because the angel told her. Did she completely understand? I have to believe that question is harder to answer. While we can have knowledge of something, we may not understand it.

One of the lyrics of that song says, “Did you know that your baby boy has come to make you new? This child that you delivered, will soon deliver you?” Concerning that, I’m not sure that Mary fully grasped what all that meant. But that did not stop her from trusting the Lord with it and walking in obedience. Because of that faith, she was delivered, and so is every person who trusts in Jesus Christ.

Maybe this Christmas season, the gift that you need most is the deliverance that only Jesus can give you. I want you to know that this deliverance is available to you today. Will you trust in Him and walk by faith?