Title: God’s Pursuit of Man
Author: A.W. Tozer
Publisher: Moody Publishers

As I was growing up, I was not a fan of reading. I found it boring and a waste of time. Seldom would I find something that held my attention. Most of the time, I would find myself nodding off in the middle of any reading that I chose to do… or was required to do by school.

I am grateful for my Bible professor in college who had a nifty little saying: “You must read to succeed!” This professor’s daily quizzes which ALWAYS started off with the question of, “Honestly and truthfully, I read the entire assignment for today.” It was during those four years of college that I developed a love for reading. Since that time, I have found myself with a continuous stack of books to go through.

Every so often, there will come a book through the stack that makes me pause and soak it in completely. I would like to share one of those books at this time. It comes from one of my favorite authors, A. W. Tozer. I don’t remember when I first got introduced to Tozer’s writings, but from the first book, I’ve been a sucker for anything that he has written.

I recently got my hands on a copy of his work, God’s Pursuit of Man. After taking the time to work through this small book (141 pages), I am ready to let others know about it. This work is a prequel to what is probably Tozer’s most famous work, The Pursuit of God. I thought so much of The Pursuit of God and was anxious to see what Tozer had to say before that wonderful work.

In God’s Pursuit of Man, Tozer tackles the issue of what salvation is all about. I think that this is a very important topic at this time. There seems to be thought that salvation is just a decision that a person makes at one point in time and that is it. Tozer is careful to layout in this work how salvation is a complete work of God in the life of a person that comes to Him by faith. It involves a complete change of the entirety of a person.

While Tozer tackles many theological points that deal with salvation in God’s Pursuit of Man, he does so in a way that most anyone can grasp the “golden nuggets” that he is giving through his writing. This is one of the elements that I appreciate so much about Tozer’s writing. This comes out wonderfully in God’s Pursuit of Man.


When it comes to wanting to know about the Christian faith in a straightforward manner, few do it better than A. W. Tozer. I would strongly suggest that a person get a copy of God’s Pursuit of Man and dive in. You will find a great treasure of the teaching of God’s word on the subject of what salvation truly is.

*** A copy of God’s Pursuit of Man was given to me by Moody Publishers in return for an honest review. ***