During this time of social-distancing, it can be easy to just be ready for it all to end. I know that I am. I am one who likes to go. I like to be in contact with people. At this time, that is not the best course of action for those around me nor me.

In times like these, some may wonder how can they use their gifts, talents, abilities, etc for the good. Some of my main gifts involve preaching and teaching God’s word to people. It is not the easiest of things to do at this time. We are prerecording our worship services where I find myself preaching to a camera and two other guys in the room who are recording and doing slides. It’s not exactly my idea of fun.

I was reading this morning from 1 Samuel about how David, even as a young guy, was chosen to lead God’s people. Though it would be a little bit before he would take the throne, David could be found doing what he could with what he had. One verse in particular stood out to me…

Whenever the spirit from God came on Saul, David would pick up his lyre and play, and Saul would then be relieved, feel better, and the evil spirit would leave him.

1 Samuel 16:23 CSB

If you are not familiar with this passage, Saul was the first king of Israel. He had chosen to not listen and wait upon the LORD. Rather, he decided to take matters into his own hands (1 Samuel 15). This cost him the throne.

As God was preparing the next king, the Bible tells about how an evil spirit would torment Saul. The only thing that seemed to appease this evil spirit was the sound of music played. It just so happened that young David was fond of strumming the lyre (similar to a guitar or harp).

As I read the verse mentioned above, it stood out like never before. As I read it, something came to mind: When God’s people use God’s gifts that He has given to them to help those around them, relief comes to those who need it.

David wasn’t the biggest nor the best, but what he could do is use his lyre-playing skills to help Saul find relief from the torment. That is exactly what he did. I really believe that would be a good path to follow.

We may not think that we can do something for everyone that is being impacted by this COVID-19. The truth is that very few of us could. It is affecting people all around the world. While we may not be able to do something for everyone, why don’t we do something for one person.

God has given each Christian at least one spiritual gift. These gifts are given to build up the Body (the Church) and to help accomplish the task of the Great Commission (Matthew 28:18-20). While we may not be able to meet together in a building, we can still use those gifts in our daily lives — hint: that’s kinda the intent anyways!

God also grants to each person (even those who have not placed their faith in Jesus yet) abilities and talents that can be put to use to bring help and relief to those who need it. If there is a time to do that, this would be it. May we take the example of the young David and simply take what God has given us and use it to bring some help, relief, and hope to those around us during this time.