My Bible reading plan has had me in Genesis to start the new year. It took me to a familiar passage that I had read so many times before. Once again, this time of reading brought to light something that has been there the whole time.

The passage I found myself reading was the account about the Tower of Babel found in Genesis 11:1-9. In this passage, we see that people left to themselves will do what people do… and it’s usually not good.

On the surface, it seems like some really good things were going on here…

The people were unified in language and vocabulary.

How nice would be if everyone spoke the same language and shared the same vocabulary? No more wondering what they mean… no need for a translator… a LOT less confusion.

The people were unified in their mission.

In Genesis 11:3-4, we see that all the people were set on one solitary mission: build a city with a tower that reaches the sky. This mission was not held by the majority but by all. How great it would be to stand in the presence of that kind of unity. Not having to worry about competing missions or viewpoints, but having everyone on the same page.

The people’s works were reaching the ears of heaven.

In Genesis 11:5, the LORD comes down to see what all is going on. The work that was being done here on earth by the people had reached the newsstands in heaven (I know there’s not newsstands in heaven, but just go with me). It’s not everyday that you hear about something that is making such an impact even in heaven that it calls for the LORD to come down.

With all these good things going on in the account of the Tower of Babel, it really makes one look closer. The reason that the LORD comes down is not to commend the people for the good work that they are doing. Rather, God comes to bring a halt to it (Genesis 11:7-9).

The reason that God brought a stop to the “good work” that was seemingly being done is because there was one little element that had tainted the whole deal = PRIDE. While the people were doing such good work and really making some progress, the whole reason behind it all was so that their names would be lifted high. They had begun to trespass on the real estate that belongs to God alone = glory.

Just one drop of pride or any other kind of sin can completely wipe out any good that may be coming from it. It is like an illustration I heard one time about making brownies with just a little bit of manure mixed in. Most probably wouldn’t even know it was there. Do you want to eat anything from that batch? Not me.

We must be careful to not fall into the trap that tells us that “it is just a little sin.” As we see from the Tower of Babel account, “just a little” can do a whole lot of damage.